
Best Core Building Exercises To Do At Home

10 Best Core Building Exercises To Do At Home

The core is made up of several muscles including all your back, abdominal muscles, pelvis, glutes, and obliques. And these are important muscles as they help build stamina, posture, flexibility, and movement.

If you are looking for an exercise that can work for your core muscles, choose one of the following exercises:

  1. Flutter Kicks

It works on core muscles especially the lower rectus abdominal muscles and hip flexors. It mimics a swimming stroke but is performed by lying on your back.

Flutter Kicks

How To:

• Lie on your back with your hands resting on your side and palms flat on the floor
• Keep your back and head in a straight line and look at the ceiling
• Lift your legs at a 45-degree angle and kick them up and down by engaging your core
• Avoid your feet touching the ground before completing a set
• Do 2 sets of 15 reps each

  1. Seated Knee Tuck

It is a great exercise to strengthen your core, protect your back from injuries, and improve your posture tremendously.

Seated Knee Tuck

How To:

• Sit down on a mat with your knees bent and … Find more

Exercises For Lasting Relief From Constipation

Do These 11 Exercises For Lasting Relief From Constipation

Constipation is a common problem that has its roots in lifestyle. But people relate it to their diet. Taking a healthy diet could indeed prevent constipation, but exercising is also necessary to get long-term relief from the suffering.

Here’re 10 exercises that can control constipation

  1. Wind Relieving Pose (Pavan Muktasana)

It improves digestion. Also, stretching lengthens the spine and relieves pain in the lower back.

Wind Relieving Pose

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your knees folded to the chest
• Hug your knees and try to touch the knees with your forehead
• Hold this position for 5-10 seconds and keep breathing
• Lose your grip on the knees and rest your head on the floor
• Repeat the exercises 5-10 times

  1. Half Wind Pose (Ardha Pavan Muktasana)

It is good for the digestive system as it massages the abdomen and digestive organs. It is also good for the pelvis and the reproductive organs. Women can try this asana to control menstrual pain.

Half Wind Pose

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your feet shoulder-width apart
• Fold the right knee and bring it closer to your chest… Find more

7 Stretch Exercises To Relieve Your Spine Of Pain And Tension

Pain in the lower back is taken lightly because it is largely related to lifestyle. For example, if you sit on a chair for long hours or you could get pain in your lower back. Also, if you are obese, you could feel pain in your back.

So, you can see there are many reasons for pain in the lower back, but you shouldn’t let the pain persist. Also, there is little need to take painkiller medicines to reduce the tension. If you can stretch your spine and thigh muscles a little, you can feel relaxed.

Here’re 7 stretch exercises that can give you quick relief from pain in the lower back and pressure on the buttocks and thighs. And you can do these stretches any time of the day. But it is better to perform the exercises empty stomach.

  1. Child’s Pose

It will have a relaxing effect on your body as it can reduce tension all along your spine and loosen up stretched muscles of the lower back. It enhances flexibility and boosts blood flow along the spine. It involves gently stretching spinal extensors, gluteus maximus, and thigh … Find more

Candence Cameron Shares Her Beauty Secret

Candace Cameron Shares Her Beauty Secret In A Candid Way

Candace Cameron is a mother of three kids but she looks much younger than her real age. Whatever be her real age is, she is as fit as a 20-year-old woman. And Candace Cameron gives the credit of her younger looks to her diet and weight loss lifestyle.

She’s mostly on a vegan diet that includes eggs and occasional fish. She’s built lean muscle mass with the help of Kira Stokes, a celebrity fitness coach of athletes.

Keep reading if you want to know how 40 plus actress Candace Cameron maintains her youth & diet

She avoids dairy, sugar, and white flour….

Candace Cameron Avoids Dairy, Sugar, & White Flour

Candace advises avoiding dairy if you have issues like constipation. She avoids dairy and says that it helps reduce stomach problems. Also, it relieves congestion and puffiness on her face and body. She further says that people should first consult a doctor that the stomach issues are due to dairy and not because of some other problem.

Few people know that Candace Cameron had a history of stomach inflammation and that she suffered a lot from stomach irritation. But she is fine … Find more

Best Dip Exercises

10 Best Dip Exercises For Muscular Chest, Back And Shoulders

Back dips exercise are the best workouts for improving chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps muscles. And you can make it more challenging by adding weight to your body.

Here’re the 10 best back dips exercise with variations and weight

Bench Dips

If you want to expand your chest, and strengthen shoulders and triceps front, then you should practice bench dips.

Bench Dips

How To:

• Stand straight with an exercise bench placed firmly on your back
• Reach your hands to the bench by bending your knees
• Increase your grip on the bench and firm your feet on the floor to start
• Lift your body using your triceps and shoulders and come down
• Do 3 sets of 12 reps each

Parallel Bar Back Dips Exercise

If developing chest and improving shoulders is your only goal, then you should try parallel bar dips. This exercise will broaden your shoulders.

Parallel Bar Dip

How To:

• Stand straight between a parallel bar
• Hold the bars firmly with your hands
• Lift your body and bring it down using your hands
• Keep your back straight Find more

Best Exercises For Expansive Chest

10 Best Exercises For Expansive Chest And Lifted Breasts

Chest exercises can give an extra lift to your bust and you can do these exercises with little training. Also, you can choose between a free hand and a dumbbell exercise. In the beginning, you can start with little weight in your hands. Also, you can keep your movements slow to avoid injuries.

Here’re the 10 best exercises that can help expand your chest and lift your breasts

  1. Incline Dumbbell Press
Incline Dumbbell Press

You need an inclined exercise bench and a set of dumbbells for this exercise. It will target your chest muscles and help improve the breasts.

How To:

• Lie on your back on the inclined bench and push your shoulders back
• Grab dumbbells on both of your hands and bring them close to your chest making a “V” with your elbows
• Push the dumbbells towards the ceiling until your hands are fully stretched and then come back
• Do 3 sets of 12 reps each with a 10-second break between each set

  1. Barbell Bench Press

This exercise has an advantage in that is it can be performed in neutral, incline, and decline positions.

Barbell Bench Press

How To:… Find more

Best Sit-Ups To Burn Stubborn Tummy Fat

8 Best Sit-Ups To Burn Stubborn Tummy Fat

Stubborn tummy fat refuses to go with light exercising. You need to work on your abs to burn the stubborn fat. Doing sit-ups can help remove the layers of fat from your abdominal area. And there are many ways of doing sit-ups. For example, you can do sit-ups with or without weight.

The good thing about sit-ups is that they need little training and monitoring. And you can practice sit-ups in your home environment. All you need to do sit-ups is open space and an exercising mat.

Muscles sit-up exercises work on

Muscles sit-up exercises work on

Sit-ups work on abdominal muscles, hamstrings, obliques, hips flexors, shoulder and neck muscles. These exercises help burn tummy fat faster because they increase the movement of abs muscles. Strength building, increase flexibility, and improved balance and coordination are some of the added advantages of sit-up exercises.

Here’re 8 best sit-up exercises you can practice at home and rid your tummy of the stubborn fat

  1. Hands To Heels

It works on abs muscles, chest, quads, and shoulders

Hands To Heels

How To:

• Lie down on your back with your knees bent and legs shoulder-width apart
• Extend your hands … Find more

Tone Up Your Flabby Arms

10 Ways To Tone Up Your Flabby Arms

Flabby arms are biceps with loose hanging fat. And it isn’t a good thing as it is considered a sign of aging. Also, it can spoil your figure. You won’t be able to wear sleeveless clothes especially t-shirts. But there is little need to fret about flabby arms when you can rid your biceps of unwanted fat.

What causes flabby arms?

Aging is the prime reason behind flabby arms. With age, skin loses its elasticity allowing the fat to hang on the biceps. Hormonal imbalance is also responsible for fat accumulation on arms. Also, a wrong lifestyle like eating junk food and doing no physical activity can make your arms flabby.

How to tone flabby arms?

While you can’t stop aging, you can try keeping your arms well-toned. Arms stretching exercises can help in bringing your biceps to the right shape. You can choose an exercise with or without weight and practice it at home. If you are a beginner, you should do weightless exercises.

A little practice is needed to the exercises in the right manner and the result will be visible within a short time. Also, … Find more

Burn Hip Fat Naturally

10 Ways To Burn Hip Fat Naturally

If your hips are flabby then blame it on your lazy lifestyle. It could be due to pregnancy or for any other reason. If you have bulky buttocks, you will have multiple problems like shaky movements and even pain in the lower back.

But you don’t need to worry about the hip fat as you can burn it by tweaking your lifestyle a little. Here’re 10 things you can do to tone up your hips and make them look beautiful.

  1. Stay Hydrated
Stay Hydrated

Water can flush out toxins from your body and boost your metabolism that will burn excess fat. Drink a cup of water every hour to stay hydrated and see positive changes in your skin color, brain function, and weight. If you want, you can add herbs like cinnamon to water to enhance its flavor.

  1. Early Morning Lemon Water
Early Morning Lemon Water

Lemon water is a fat mobilizer. It contains Vitamin C flushes out harmful free oxygen radicals and boosts immunity. Also, it balances the internal pH level.


Add half-lemon juice to a glass of lukewarm water to make lemon juice. For taste, you can add 1 tsp of … Find more

Alexandra Daddario Does To Make Life Beautiful

5 Things That Alexandra Daddario Does To Make Life Beautiful

It took Alexandra Daddario 15 years from landing her first role as a victimized teen Laurie Lewis in the ABC daytime soap opera All My Children in 2002 to Summer Quinn in the American action-comedy, Baywatch, in 2017 to become a style and fitness icon.

I always loved storytelling,” said Alexandra Daddario


Alexandra Daddario decided to become an actor at the age of 11. She further stated that she could’ve done anything as she had all opportunities. She was studying at Marymount Manhattan College when she felt a passion for making a career in acting and dropped the college to pursue a full-time acting career.

For acting, she learned the Meisner acting technique for years and became an outstanding actress ready to accept challenging roles like horror, science fiction, and comedy. Soon she proved that she’s a multitalented actress. Her music video song “Radioactive” surpassed 1 billion views on YouTube.

With acting, she also maintained her figure and beauty. Her quick and surprising rise in the competitive film industry proves that she’s a fitness enthusiast. Her role in Baywatch could be taken as her fitness example. She worked … Find more